Importing a Simulink model into a project

Neuron Power Engineer enables you to import an existing →Simulink model into a →project of Neuron Power Engineer.  The import is not provided in all variants of Neuron Power Engineer.

Content of this article:

In this article:

Conditions for using the import

  • You have already installed the required license.

  • You have received the installation package from Neuronx.y.z is a placeholder for the respective version number.
    (info) This installation package contains scripts that you have to execute in MATLAB.

  • You are using Version 2021a of MATLAB and Embedder Coder as a code generator (see

  • The import only supports time-discrete Simulink models. 2 or more different sampling times within a Simulink model are not supported for the import.Moreover, observe the following: When the Simulink model depends on the cycle time, the Simulink user must decide on a way to handle this in the Simulink model. For instance, it is possible to define an explicit input in the Simulink model so that this input will be imported into Neuron Power Engineer. Subsequently, it is required to pass the time values to this input within the Neuron Power Engineer application.

  • The Simulink model corresponds to the requirements for a successful import.

  • In this Simulink model: Use POU-unique names (when possible, project- and POU-unique) for all C-identifiers that are available in a global namespace. See "The dos and don'ts when working, When creating blocks with C-code" for details.

  • You use the same Neuron Power Engineer version for both partial steps of the import:

Exporting the Simulink model as Neuron Power Engineer MATLAB export bundle

  • Unpack the installation package to a folder of your liking.

  • Add the path with the unpacked scripts to the search path of MATLAB.

    1. Possibility 1: In MATLAB, go to the path with the unpacked scripts. Open the context menu for the folder and select the command Add to Path and Selected Folders.

    2. Possibility 2: In the MATLAB Command Window, enter the following command (but replace path_to_folder_with_scripts by the path with the unpacked scripts): addpath('path_to_folder_with_scripts')

    3. Possibility 3 so that the path is permanently added: In the ribbons of MATLAB on the tab HOME, select Set Path (provided in the group ENVIRONMENT). Click Add Folder..., add the path with the unpacked scripts and click Save.

  • In MATLAB, open the Simulink model and the containing projects, if such projects exist.
    Reason: The projects might contain so-called data dictionaries with user-defined types.

  • In the MATLAB Command Window, execute one of the following scripts:

Script 1: Generate bundle based on a model
generateLogiCAD3BundleFromModel(modelName, outputFolder)

(info) Replace the parameter modelName by the name of the opened model and outputFolder by the path in which the Neuron Power Engineer MATLAB export bundle should be generated.
Example: generateLogiCAD3BundleFromModel('fuelsys_dd_controller', "C:\data\exported_bundles")

Script 2: Generate bundle based on a model and subsystem
generateLogiCAD3BundleFromSubsystem(modelName, subsystemQualifiedName, outputFolder)

(info)  Replace the parameters modelName and outputFolder as when using script 1. Moreover, replace subsystemQualifiedName by the qualified name of the subsystem.
Example: generateLogiCAD3BundleFromSubsystem('Overrun', 'Overrun/OvrRun', "C:\data\exported_bundles")Result of the script: A Neuron Power Engineer MATLAB export bundle is generated based on the specified data. The name of this Neuron Power Engineer MATLAB export bundle is: or – Example: (OvrRun is the name of the subsystem.)

Possible warnings

Warnings will indicate when the Simulink model contains the following Simulink elements (see under "Requirements for the Simulink model" for details on them):

  • elements, if their name is a reserved keyword in ST

  • elements, if their name is not a valid →IEC-identifier

  • elements, if their names differ regarding case sensitivity

    Subsequently, if you import the generated Neuron Power Engineer MATLAB export bundle with such elements into a Neuron Power Engineer project, these elements would be highlighted as faulty in Neuron Power Engineer. Therefore, the names of these elements are automatically corrected during the following import so that the corrected names do not cause an error in Neuron Power Engineer.

Importing the Neuron Power Engineer MATLAB export bundle into Neuron Power Engineer

How to import the generated Neuron Power Engineer MATLAB export bundle into the project of Neuron Power Engineer:

  1. In menu File or from the context menu within the view containing the projects/resources, select Import...

  2. In the wizard, expand the category Simulink Model Import, select Import Simulink Model and click Next >.
    To locate a particular type: Enter a text (e.g. Simulink) into the field under Select an import wizard to show only the types that match the entered text.

  3. On the next wizard page, perform the following steps:

    1. In the text box (left of Simulink bundle), type in the full path and file name of the previously generated Neuron Power Engineer MATLAB export bundle. Alternative: Click the button Browse to select the path and the file name on the file system.

    2. In the list under Target project, select the project into which the Neuron Power Engineer MATLAB export bundle should be imported.
      (info) This list contains all projects that are open in the view.

    3. Click Finish to start the import.
      Result: The following objects are generated in the project. These objects are based on the Neuron Power Engineer MATLAB export bundle:

      Object type



      The ST-object has the name of the Simulink model. It contains at least one →vendor block of the type "function block" with the same name. It is possible that this ST-object contains other ST language elements as well – the content depends on the exported Simulink model, e.g. a →structured data type.
      (info) Strings are imported with a default string length of 256.
      (error) Do not edit these ST language elements! If you edit them anyway, the ST language elements will not match the imported Simulink model anymore.

      It is possible to use the created function block in your Neuron Power Engineer application as any other function block. For instance, it is possible to create a →function block instance and to call this function block instance, it is also possible to use the function block in a library.

      Here are some references to additional documentation:

      H- and C-files

      The created vendor function block requires H- and C-files that contain the implementation of the vendor function block. These files are automatically created during the import into the project. By default, they are visible in the sub-folder src-code of the existing sub-folder src of the project.

      Moreover, the H- and C-file from MATLAB are imported into the project. By default, these files are visible in the sub-folder src-code that has been created parallel to the existing sub-folder src of the project.

      Neuron Power Engineer provides the following possibilities so that these H- and C-files are not edited by mistake and they will continue to match the imported Simulink model:

      • Use the configuration variable lc3.src_code.filter.enable to hide the sub-folder src-code with the C-/H-files. Details on the configuration variables are listed in the documentation "Administrator's Manual".

      • By default, the H-/C-files for the imported Simulink model are write-protected. If the C-/H-files are displayed and you edit one of these files, a message indicates the write-protection. In this case, do not remove the write-protection so that the C-/H-files will still continue to match the imported Simulink model.

      library configuration

      The library configuration already contains the vendor function block as library element – right after the statement IEC :=

      Use this library configuration to create a library containing the vendor function block.

      Here are some references to additional documentation:

Possible warnings


Warnings will indicate when the import detects a conflict with an already existing element in theNeuron Power Engineer (see under "Requirements for the Simulink model"). Subsequently, the imported element is renamed to a unique name.

Possible error sources for the import

The messages Metamodel import failed (within the wizard and the error log) and Index 0 out of bounds for length 0 (only within the error log) indicates that it was not possible to successfully execute the import.
In this case, make sure at first whether you have used a previously generated Neuron Power Engineer MATLAB export bundle for the import. If you are able to exclude this error source, it is likely that the export of the Simulink model as Neuron Power EngineerMATLAB export bundle has been faulty. Subsequently: Contact the manufacturer of the used library or block. Include your contact information, information on what you were doing in Neuron Power Engineer and all messages listed in the Error Log view and/or Problems view. Moreover, include the generated Neuron Power Engineer MATLAB export bundle, the Simulink model (incl. the possibly existing MATLAB projects) and the used MATLAB version. 

Requirements for the Simulink model

Supported elements

The following Simulink elements are supported (= (tick)) for a successful import:

Not-supported elements

The following Simulink elements are not supported (= (error)):

  • each fixed-point data type, e.g. half

  • code mapping customization, such as storage class, custom function name

If the Simulink model contains these not-supported elements, the Neuron Power Engineer MATLAB export bundle cannot be generated. Corresponding messages are reported when the script is executed.

Automatically corrected elements

The following Simulink elements would either be highlighted as faulty in Neuron Power Engineer  or they would cause an error during the building of the application (= (warning)):

  • elements, if their name is a reserved keyword in ST – Such elements are highlighted as faulty in Neuron Power Engineer.
    Example: An element with the name of EN will be highlighted as faulty in Neuron Power Engineer because the name EN is reserved for the input EN.

  • elements, if their name is not a valid →IEC-identifier – Such elements are highlighted as faulty in Neuron Power Engineer.
    Example: Simulink allows an element with the name LIM__SW5. In Neuron Power Engineer, this name is not allowed because the name must be a valid IEC-identifier.

  • elements (e.g. variables), if their names differ regarding case sensitivity – Such elements might cause an error when the application is built in Neuron Power Engineer.
    Example: Simulink allows 2 different variables Var1 and VAR1. In Neuron Power EngineerVar1 and VAR1 are identified as the same element. This different interpretation of Var1 and VAR1 is likely to cause an error when building the application containing the function block with Var1 and VAR1.

So corresponding warnings are displayed during the export of a Simulink model with such Simulink elements (as Neuron Power Engineer MATLAB export bundle). During the following import of the Neuron Power Engineer MATLAB export bundle into Neuron Power Engineer, the names of these elements are automatically corrected so that the corrected names are not highlighted as faulty or do not cause an error when building the application.

The following Simulink elements are only reported when the Neuron Power Engineer MATLAB export bundle is imported into Neuron Power Engineer (= (warning)):

  • data types, if an element with the same name already exists in the Neuron Power Engineer project

  • function blocks, if an element with the same name already exists in the Neuron Power Engineer project

During the import, these elements of the Simulink model are automatically renamed to a unique name because otherwise, elements with the same name would cause a conflict.